It is a curious phenomena that we somehow think that fireworks are an appropriate display of our patriotism on this historic day. Our administrator calls for an end of fireworks and their cruel impact on our pets and wildlife. She also has a couple other “cranky” suggestions.

In Other Animal News . . .
From a dog who made millions for his human to the ones with faces only a mother could love, these are a few of the dog stories that made us laugh and cheer for our favorite species.

What Zodiac signs tell us about your dog
Consider these astrological signs to explain your service dog or pet dog’s personality.

Halloween costume dress up from a dog’s perspective
Do you like to dress up your pup for Halloween? Here’s what he or she really thinks about that! Includes safety tips along with great photos from Gloria Yarina.

Canine Capers
From the files of, here are some stories to give you a couple chuckles, and a little reminder of how our clever dogs (be they a service, working dog or companion pet), can get us into a whole host of trouble!

Vote for your Favorite Halloween Dog!
Vote for your favorite Halloween dog and enter a free give-away (no curses attached). Also watch the best Halloween video ever!

A Mix or a Mutt?
Standing in line behind a woman in a wheelchair, I was fascinated by the service dog attached to her. Knowing how difficult it is to get through a busy day without having to answer questions from curious onlookers like me, I quietly studied the animal trying to decipher what breed he was. Pale, almost cream […]

Dogs by the Number
Magic Numbers can be fun as well as useful and there’s much more to them than you might imagine. Amaze your friends with these numbers and fun facts!

More Fascinating Facts & Trivia about Dogs
Is your service dog right-pawed or left-pawed? According to the Institute for the Study of Animal Problems in Washington D.C., dogs (and cats, too), like people, are either right-handed or left-handed, or in this case, they favor either their right or left paws. And why would it matter? Current research at the Veterinary Neurology Center […]
My Magic Dog Updates
Recent Posts
- Goodnight, Sweet Prince
- Giving Thanks for our Canine Companions
- Book Review: Good Karma (A Novel) by Christina Kelly
- Reading to dogs: A double-bonus magic wand
- The Top Ten Commands for Service Dogs (or any dog!)
- Hot cars: The life you save may be your own pet’s
- Happy Fourth of July (A personal, cranky, message)
- In the Hands of a Healer
- Do dogs recognize human emotions?
- The surprising source of big dollar savings [Thank your dog!]
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