Should you use treats to train your dog? We received so many questions regarding a previous post (“Should I use treats in obedience training?” – June 26, 2012), it was clear that “using treats in your dog training” is an important topic. We therefore decided to give the question of treats-in-training some additional attention in […]

Do animals have souls? (Part 2)
ANIMAL SOULS/ ANIMAL SPIRITS/ HUMAN SOULS by Norman W Wilson, PhD Many people who have pets, without a doubt, believe them to be an integral part of the family circle and grieve for them when they die. Furthermore, many believe their beloved pets have souls. The question is not new. Mankind has wondered about animal […]

Ask the Trainer: Should I use treats in obedience training?
Our training expert, Pat Brown-John, is a five-time Canadian Schutzhund champion, with multiple national and international titles, spanning a dog-training career of more than 30 years. We are extremely fortunate that a trainer of this caliber has joined our blog. Periodically, we will post some of her thoughts and tips to help people with pets […]

Are you a big dog or little dog person?
Some of us like big dogs, some like little ones, and some like big and little and everything in between. One of the more interesting questions in the dog-world that has, apparently, never been answered to anyone’s satisfaction (although there are hundreds, if not thousands, of articles and books about it) is: Why do we […]

Service Dogs for Autism: Buyer Beware!
For parents who are considering a service dog for a child with autism, the following may be of interest. However, before you continue, I want to stress that this is MY opinion, based on MY experience. Therefore, you are free to disagree.

Do Animals Have Souls? (Part 1)
When you are with people who love animals, eventually the question arises whether non-human animals have souls. I posed this question to metaphysical scholar, Dr. Norman Wilson. His thoughtful answer held us spellbound.

How old is my dog?
There is a widely-held notion that one year of a dog’s life is equivalent to seven years of a human’s. But the calculation to determine a dog’s age is more complicated. Breed, size, health and other facets ultimately determine how long a dog will live. Most people, however, realize that large-breed dogs do not live […]

Music to Soothe the Savage (Canine) Soul?
Do you leave music on when you leave home, thinking your pooch will enjoy it, that the music will fill some of the emptiness he or she might feel in your absence? Well, you might be right – or wrong, depending on the music you select and the dog(s) you have. As mammals, it’s understandable […]

Less than 1% of dog owners use this safety net.
A true story: “The dog is limping,” I said to my husband. “Well, let’s wait a couple of days and see how he is.” “He’s limping badly. Something’s wrong,” I emphasized. “Well, maybe he just sprained something. Let’s see how he is in a day or two.” “We have pet insurance,” I reminded him. “I’ll call […]
My Magic Dog Updates
Recent Posts
- Goodnight, Sweet Prince
- Giving Thanks for our Canine Companions
- Book Review: Good Karma (A Novel) by Christina Kelly
- Reading to dogs: A double-bonus magic wand
- The Top Ten Commands for Service Dogs (or any dog!)
- Hot cars: The life you save may be your own pet’s
- Happy Fourth of July (A personal, cranky, message)
- In the Hands of a Healer
- Do dogs recognize human emotions?
- The surprising source of big dollar savings [Thank your dog!]
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