Perhaps no other dog has so much confusion as to what “breed” it is, than the Belgian shepherd. Dr. B untangles the issue and asks readers to identify her own service dog (a long-haired German shepherd) versus one of the Belgian shepherds. Can you do it?

Why Service Dogs are Not Certified (in the USA) – Part II
When the Department of Justice wrote the regulations for service dogs, organizations that provide the dogs and members of the disability community both asked that the government not regulate the animals’ training. This article explains why they objected to certification. So, how can you tell if it’s a real service dog versus someone’s pet? This […]

Why Service Dogs are Not Certified (in the USA) – Part I
Do service dogs need to be certified? Why or why not? We clear up the confusion here at MyMagicDog.

How NOT to greet a service dog.
What is the correct way to greet a service dog — or any dog for that matter. Here are the “dos & don’ts.”

Training a Service Dog: You can do it!
Would you or your family like to get involved in helping to train a service dog? Here’s a great infographic that spells it all out.

Spoiler Alert! For those who baby their dogs.
You’ve seen them – whether it’s an adorable Papillon (the kind whose ears look like butterfly wings) or sturdy service dogs—they’re dressed up like ballerinas on their way to a rehearsal of Sleeping Beauty, carried in posh Louis Vuitton bags, or spoken to while they lie at the feet of Madame who’s feeding bits of […]

Canine Fashionistas
This is not an article about fashions for dogs (ha…ha… fooled ya’, although Halloween is coming and we at mymagicdog should really say something about dressing your dog in silly costumes, but we’ll refrain ourselves). This is about what breeds of dogs are in fashion right now. Of course, our all time, absolute favorite “breed-most-in-fashion” […]

Questions You’re Too Embarrassed to Ask Your Vet or Dog Trainer (Answered Here!)
If you have a dog, you love him or her. Yet, as much as we like to “humanize” our beloved canine friends, they are really, really, really . . . not human (gasp!), nor are they cuddly little humans wrapped in fur (more gasps!). Thus, at some point or another, we bump up against […]

Service Dog Regulations: United States
We received an important question from renown dog trainer, Pat Brown-John, the director of All About Obedience. Although the example she gives is related to private training, this is an important issue, one with direct ramifications for others who want to train their own dog or have a professional trainer do it. I therefore asked […]

Service Dog Regulations: Canada
We received an important question from renown dog trainer, Pat Brown-John, the director of All About Obedience. Although the example she gives is related to private training, this is an important issue, one with direct ramifications for others who want to train their own dog or have a professional trainer do it. I therefore […]
My Magic Dog Updates
Recent Posts
- Goodnight, Sweet Prince
- Giving Thanks for our Canine Companions
- Book Review: Good Karma (A Novel) by Christina Kelly
- Reading to dogs: A double-bonus magic wand
- The Top Ten Commands for Service Dogs (or any dog!)
- Hot cars: The life you save may be your own pet’s
- Happy Fourth of July (A personal, cranky, message)
- In the Hands of a Healer
- Do dogs recognize human emotions?
- The surprising source of big dollar savings [Thank your dog!]
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