Humans are not the only creatures who develop strong feelings for each other. This is particularly remarkable when the relationship is between two different species. A few stories illustrate this point, including that of the author’s favorite between a dog and an elephant.

A New Mantra for Animals: Do What You Can
When faced with the tremendous needs of animals who have been abandoned or ill-treated, what can one do? A veterinarian who volunteered time in India met an incredible human/animal rights activist, and learned a simple secret that we want to share.

Choosing a Pet? Consider These Tips Before Adopting a Dog or Cat
By choosing a pet that fits your personality, home and lifestyle, you’ll enjoy years of happy memories with your new furry friend. Here’s a few tips to help you make the right selection.

Parable of the Pug
Compassion may be something most people think has gone the way of the whirlybird. A famous study found we show compassion — that is, stop to help others in need — only if we believe we have the time. But a little Pug, in serious distress, indicates that we humans still have that indefinable something […]

Deserting Your Dog in a Disaster
Disasters bring out the best — and worst of human behavior. This post describes how deserting your dog, cat or other pet could result in being charged with a felony. Also included: links to review legitimate charities to help both people and animals in need.

Cannabis for ailing pets
As medical marijuana becomes more common as an aide to help people with various illnesses, another variety is slowly slipping into the arena to help pets. Some claim it’s a miracle drug; others site no difference. But, if you think you might want to try it to help your own ill pet, first know there […]

Lost Dog? Electronic savior to the rescue!
Many of us have had that heart-stopping moment when you realize your dog is not at your side or at home. We put up posters and check everywhere in vain. Now, finally, there is an electronic device to help us. Includes a link of reviews for some of the top electronic dog trackers.

Rescue Dogs Can Save You Too!
Freelance writer Jenny Holt describes the best place to get a dog: at an animal shelter. You may think you are rescuing a dog, but the dog may actually be rescuing you!

Stand By Me: A dog and his trapped friend
The story of a dog who stood guard over her trapped friend for almost a week has captured the attention of dog lovers everywhere. Read this touching account of Tillie, a setter-mix, as she watched over Phoebe, a basset hound trapped in a cistern on a rural island.

Book Reviews: The Divinity of Dogs & The Proof is in the Poodle
Two books about dogs reviewed: The Divinity of Dogs and The Proof is in the Poodle. Both quite different — the first composed of brief stories about heroic, sometimes mysterious, always touching, ways in which dogs help someone, and the second by a holistic veterinarian. Blog post contributed by author, Mary Trimble.
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Recent Posts
- Goodnight, Sweet Prince
- Giving Thanks for our Canine Companions
- Book Review: Good Karma (A Novel) by Christina Kelly
- Reading to dogs: A double-bonus magic wand
- The Top Ten Commands for Service Dogs (or any dog!)
- Hot cars: The life you save may be your own pet’s
- Happy Fourth of July (A personal, cranky, message)
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- The surprising source of big dollar savings [Thank your dog!]
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