When a five-year-old girl was mauled by an “emotional support animal” at the Portland, Oregon airport, the entire issue of the so-called “emotional support” or “comfort animal” came under scrutiny. Should such a category be allowed to continue?

How to Teach Your Dog to Maintain Etiquette in Unfamiliar Situations
Even the best behaved dog can become nervous, excitable or reactive in a new situation. Bernie the Boxer, that erudite canine composer, has some practical advice for we dog guardians to help our beloved pooch maintain his/her best self, even in novel or difficult situations.

Tightening the Leash on Fake Service Dogs
Having a service dog is a privilege, but it comes with the not so great benefit of a disability serious enough to warrant the need for such a dog. Unfortunately, like those who use a handicap sign for parking when they are perfectly able to walk, more and more people are claiming their precious pooch […]

Measuring Canine Intelligence
Years ago, a controversy erupted over a listing of dogs according to their intelligence. The author tells where her dog rated. Now, there is a new test to let us know how our dogs rate on an intelligence scale. Is he/she more of a beauty, or the Nobel prize-worthy brain of the dog world?

The Newfoundland as a Service Dog?
Larger dogs might be more helpful as service dogs for some types of disabilities, such as balance. The Newfoundland is highly regarded for its calm disposition, stable temperament and working history. What are the pros and cons for using this breed as a service dog? With help from McKenzie, the “Newfie” belonging to Tom and […]

Canine Good Citizen
The American Kennel Club provides an opportunity for dogs to earn a Canine Good Citizen certificate which, as the name implies, recognizes those dogs who have passed a 10-step training test. Started in 1989, the CGC program is designed to reward dogs who demonstrate good manners at home as well as in the community. All […]

Spoiler Alert! For those who baby their dogs.
You’ve seen them – whether it’s an adorable Papillon (the kind whose ears look like butterfly wings) or sturdy service dogs—they’re dressed up like ballerinas on their way to a rehearsal of Sleeping Beauty, carried in posh Louis Vuitton bags, or spoken to while they lie at the feet of Madame who’s feeding bits of […]

The Extraordinary History of Guide Dogs
September is National Guide Dog Month. Today, most people in North America are familiar with guide dogs, but that wasn’t always the case. In fact, early in the last century, the idea of using a dog to help a blind person get around seemed preposterous. The history of using a dog to guide someone with […]

Questions You’re Too Embarrassed to Ask Your Vet or Dog Trainer (Answered Here!)
If you have a dog, you love him or her. Yet, as much as we like to “humanize” our beloved canine friends, they are really, really, really . . . not human (gasp!), nor are they cuddly little humans wrapped in fur (more gasps!). Thus, at some point or another, we bump up against […]

Doggie Kisses: Disgusting or Divine?
I kiss my dog. A lot. I know, I know . . . “You shouldn’t do this!” is a refrain I’ve heard all my life – from my mother when I was little to my latest vet who says that, by now, I should know better. (Note: When asked: “How old are you?” I […]
My Magic Dog Updates
Recent Posts
- Goodnight, Sweet Prince
- Giving Thanks for our Canine Companions
- Book Review: Good Karma (A Novel) by Christina Kelly
- Reading to dogs: A double-bonus magic wand
- The Top Ten Commands for Service Dogs (or any dog!)
- Hot cars: The life you save may be your own pet’s
- Happy Fourth of July (A personal, cranky, message)
- In the Hands of a Healer
- Do dogs recognize human emotions?
- The surprising source of big dollar savings [Thank your dog!]
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