All About Dogs: Kids Ask the Darndest Things. Is anyone old enough to remember the Art Linkletter television show, called “Kids Ask the Darndest Things?” Some of those moments were truly precious — and some, rather embarrassing (especially for the poor parents watching). I’m happy to say that the questions we have received will not embarrass […]
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Fun, fact and fancy — Test your dog I.Q.
1. What is the difference between a pedigree dog and a dog’s pedigree? 2. What’s the difference between a cross-bred dog and a mutt (mongrel)? 3. What is a “cur”? 4. What countries have cities that (tried to) ban dogs? 5. What is the Dam? 6. What is the Sire? 7. What is a […]
Do Animals Have Souls? (Part 1)
When you are with people who love animals, eventually the question arises whether non-human animals have souls. I posed this question to metaphysical scholar, Dr. Norman Wilson. His thoughtful answer held us spellbound.
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- Goodnight, Sweet Prince
- Giving Thanks for our Canine Companions
- Book Review: Good Karma (A Novel) by Christina Kelly
- Reading to dogs: A double-bonus magic wand
- The Top Ten Commands for Service Dogs (or any dog!)
- Hot cars: The life you save may be your own pet’s
- Happy Fourth of July (A personal, cranky, message)
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- Do dogs recognize human emotions?
- The surprising source of big dollar savings [Thank your dog!]
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