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dog-harness invention

Harness the Ability to Talk to Your Dog

Wouldn’t it be interesting to know what our dogs are actually thinking or feeling when we talk to them? A device that would provide that information might seem far-fetched or the stuff of science fiction, but a new “dog-translator” invention is bringing that possibility closer than ever.

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B-79-Craig Weakly

Holiday Gifts for your service or companion dog.

Whether you have an assistance dog (service, guide, or signal/hearing), a working dog, therapy dog or just a beloved companion dog, chances are you will be buying him or her a present this holiday season. Can you guess the percentage of people who do buy their dog a gift?  Would it be 8%, 13%, 26%, […]

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New Products for Dogs

There are a lot of folks who blog about dogs, but the delightfully entertaining “Dog Blog,” posted by Lisa Woody is one of my favorites.  Her blog is called: – The Funniest Dog Stuff on the Planet. Ms. Woody gave me permission to repost some of her work so we’ve listed some of the […]

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