Tag Archives | Service Dogs
Service Dog Morgan 2009-2019

Goodnight, Sweet Prince

Morgan, Dr. B’s service dog and the inspiration for this blog, suddenly passed away. For anyone who has known and loved a dog, their time on earth seems unfairly short. Yet, we would never give up one moment of a life shared with our dog, even knowing the pain we will face at the end. […]

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Happy Thanksgiving

Giving Thanks for our Canine Companions

Thanksgiving is a time to feel especially grateful for our family, friends, and dogs. It is also a time of remembrance, for the dogs from our past whom we still miss today. Our administrator looks back on a life filled with the love of dogs, and tells the extraordinary story (and miracle?) of her current […]

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Book Review: Good Karma (A Novel) by Christina Kelly

“Good Karma” is a wonderful book, with witty dialogue and charming characters enmeshed within a very funny story. Two older, lonely people lose their dogs at a dog park. Let the search — and the fun — begin!

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Illustration of a Boy Reading a Book with His Dog

Reading to dogs: A double-bonus magic wand

Studies have found benefits to children who read to dogs and cats. Knowing this helps children, particularly those with learning disabilities, these programs expanded to libraries and other facilities. On the other side of the coin, the animals benefit too, particularly those in animal shelters. Twila Colley examines the effects on reading to these animals […]

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Puppy in front of a chalk board that reads Welcome to Obedience School

The Top Ten Commands for Service Dogs (or any dog!)

No matter how clever a pet dog is, nor how amazing the skills of a service dog, most of them start off by learning these ten basic commands.

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Dangers of leaving a dog in parked cars

Hot cars: The life you save may be your own pet’s

In spite of hearing, again and again, of the dangers in leaving a dog inside a car when the temperature is rising, people continue to do it. They think they’ll be gone for “just a minute,” or don’t understand that the glass in a car gives a greenhouse effect that substantially raises the temperature inside. […]

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Happy Fourth of July (A personal, cranky, message)

It is a curious phenomena that we somehow think that fireworks are an appropriate display of our patriotism on this historic day. Our administrator calls for an end of fireworks and their cruel impact on our pets and wildlife. She also has a couple other “cranky” suggestions.

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Reiki healing

In the Hands of a Healer

Was our dangerously ill dog saved by an ancient healing technique called Reiki? For the skeptics of non-traditional medicine, this case makes us think that Shakespeare was right: “There are more things in heaven and earth . . . than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”

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Credit: Pinterest - My Gunnar looks lovingly into my face like this.

Do dogs recognize human emotions?

Many people who have a dog would vouch for their pet’s ability to detect our emotional state. But can science actually prove it? And, if a dog does understand our emotions, how do they do that?

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Emotional Support Rabbit

Emotional Support Animals vs Service Dogs [Know the Critical Difference]

When a five-year-old girl was mauled by an “emotional support animal” at the Portland, Oregon airport, the entire issue of the so-called “emotional support” or “comfort animal” came under scrutiny. Should such a category be allowed to continue?

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